Digging out today. We received about 12" with drifts much deeper in places. It'll be months before my back patio melts. A shout-out to the son-in-law for coming over and snow-blowing this morning. He doesn't want anything, he's just good like that. I wanted to give you an idea of the depth of the snow. I thought the Doxy would be a good reference point. Yep, the snow is as tall as she is.
Alert, alert-I think Roxy sees something......

Her superior hound dog nose smells something....a buried tennis ball? coyote poop? a favorite fetching stick?

There it is.....she's pointing to it. What is it??
What...what? Is that it? A piece of.......

No, Roxy-Doxy. You don't need to lug the big ice chunk to me. No, no, it's cold. I don't want to throw it.

It's not a tennis ball.
It's not a fetching stick.
It's ice! OK, if you insist, I'll throw it just once. Ice makes a lousy tennis ball or fetching stick. What? What's that you say? Yep.....carpe diem to you, too.
Best post yet...awesome Doxy pictures. Crazy dog.
HA! Well, I imagine you would only be able to throw it once anyway. After that, Roxy-Doxy would have to go find another one-time-only-because-it-breaks-and-explodes-into-twenty-pieces hunk of ice for you to throw. ooh!- my teeth are cringing at just watching her hold that freezing cold thing in her jaws. Brrr!!!
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